Search found 7 matches

by Zinisking
Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:53 pm
Forum: All About Wine
Topic: Hunter Valley Trip - any new/obscure wineries you recommend?
Replies: 13
Views: 3047

Re: Hunter Valley Trip - any new/obscure wineries you recomm

Thomas doesn't have a cellar door - he actually leases the winery in Hermitage rd (where Salsa is)


The small winemakers centre lets you taste and then there is nothing stopping you getting on Thomas or Margan website and buying directly - you'd be crazy not too....
by Zinisking
Sun May 30, 2010 5:03 pm
Forum: All About Wine
Topic: Hunter Valley Trip - any new/obscure wineries you recommend?
Replies: 13
Views: 3047

Re: Hunter Valley Trip - any new/obscure wineries you recomm

Actually Hermitage Rd area is a bit of a winner

De Illius
Kieth Tulloch
Piggs Peake

All good wineries and can't go wrong with any of them
by Zinisking
Sat May 29, 2010 6:52 am
Forum: All About Wine
Topic: Hunter Valley Trip - any new/obscure wineries you recommend?
Replies: 13
Views: 3047

Re: Hunter Valley Trip - any new/obscure wineries you recomm

Being a local I will give you the tip on some not so well known places Piggs Peake - Hermitage Road - This is a specialist Winemaker - they do not have a vineyard and buy all their fruit in. They "were" a Halliday 5 star winery but they are not allowed in anymore (they told them the assist...
by Zinisking
Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:13 pm
Forum: All About Wine
Topic: High Alcohol is a Wine Fault... Not a Badge of Honor
Replies: 22
Views: 3162

Re: High Alcohol is a Wine Fault... Not a Badge of Honor

Also - Pinot asisde - Grange was always 10-11% and the year Max Schubert died it became 14%.... Interesting isn't it.... Also compare the Acid levels of the post Max Schubert age and you will see that Grange will not age the way it has before...... (Lower Acid levels of new wines) Just an interestin...
by Zinisking
Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:41 am
Forum: All About Wine
Topic: Last Sunday in May
Replies: 16
Views: 2296

Couple oh Hunter boutique wines over the weekend Firtsly - Lucy's Run merlot 07 A more full bodied Merlot than most you will find. Certainly has the taste of berries and I will be back for more. Secondly - McLiesh Estate 98 Verdelho - young fresh and certainly had that fruity palate.... Both are sma...
by Zinisking
Wed May 27, 2009 2:01 pm
Forum: All About Wine
Topic: Sunday....... second last for May
Replies: 33
Views: 6046

Yep, drunk some nice Italians from Mudgee. Come to think, person who raved about Pig's Zinf is an ardent Hunteriste and didn't mention semillon. Oh well, if they're doing something well that's good enough for me, and better than what I'm doing. Thanks Lozt Plenty of good Semillon up there - still p...
by Zinisking
Tue May 26, 2009 2:02 pm
Forum: All About Wine
Topic: Sunday....... second last for May
Replies: 33
Views: 6046

Two Hunters from last night: 2003 McGuigan Personal Reserve Shiraz : I'm the kind of contrary bastard who likes Hunter Shiraz, but this reminded me why some people don't. Opened up on the nose after four hours decanting but never did much on the palate. Nothing overtly wrong with it, just a bit thi...