Well being diagnosed with a brain tumour makes you try new things thats for sure. Tonight was the night to try one of my Granges. The 1999 got the nod and didnt disappoint. Smooth as duck sh@#, perfectly structured, plummy, slight pepper and licorice.
We enjoyed it and it complimented the fillet mignons to a tea.
Wish me luck people, surgery Monday to remove the troublesome bastard.
See you on the other side
"A woman drove me to drink, and I'll be a son of a gun but I never even wrote to thank her" WC Fields
Mate we really do have a great health system despite all the winging about it. We do also have some of the world's greatest surgeons. You will be back drinking your top wines soon. I will be drinking to your excellent recovery, and may it be quick. Mike.
Dont know you either, but couldnt read and not reply, good luck with your surgery.
As for the Grange, I guess thats a good time to open one up, we have had one here for the past 12 years, and have not found the right moment to open it, tossing up selling vs opening lol.. glad you enjoyed yours.
A good friend of mine is battling a tumour, and he's wrestling that b*tch down to the ground and I hope you do the same (I would put a smiley here, but it would be misplaced and inappropriate)
Good luck Rednut. I was recently drinking wine with a friend who endured a similar setback last year, he looks as good as new and enjoys a bottle of red as much as ever, if not more so.
Many thanks for all the positive vibes on here. Well I am home after operation number 2 to remove rare bastard tumour and all went very well. Dr's are very happy and a bit surprised I think but radiotherapy to follow in a few weeks time. Once again many thanks for all the well wishes. Will keep you all posted. Regards Ian
"A woman drove me to drink, and I'll be a son of a gun but I never even wrote to thank her" WC Fields
It's most pleasing to hear of the positive prognosis Rednut. Here's hoping the radiotherapy ensures there's no regrowth. Don't envy you the radiotherapy!
Well hi again good peoples. Radiotherapy is going ok, not something I recommend for everyone espescially on your head but it's a necessary evil and has to be done. First few days were a bit of a challenge but we got there.
Cant purtake in too much of the red liquid at the moment as it is having a few side effects on me so will have to wait till after the treatment is over.
Still here which is good and am fairly happy about that. Could be lots worse.
Cheers for now Ian
"A woman drove me to drink, and I'll be a son of a gun but I never even wrote to thank her" WC Fields
rednut wrote:Well hi again good peoples. Radiotherapy is going ok, not something I recommend for everyone espescially on your head but it's a necessary evil and has to be done. First few days were a bit of a challenge but we got there.
Cant purtake in too much of the red liquid at the moment as it is having a few side effects on me so will have to wait till after the treatment is over.
Still here which is good and am fairly happy about that. Could be lots worse.
Cheers for now Ian
Thanks for the update and I hope it continues to go well mate. You have more balls than I do, that's for sure