CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th Feb

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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by Hacker »

That's fine - just leave the Bin 389 at the door on your way out!

We will miss you, too much work by the sounds of it.
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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by maybs »

Just had a very satisfactory lunch at Fix and they have confirmed they are more than happy for me to have the champagne dropped off early since I am coming direct from a meeting elsewhere, so you folks will be able to start on a pre-dinner drink in the unlikely event I am a little late
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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by sjw_11 »


Just confirming for everyone this is definitely happening and we are locked and loaded. Look forward to seeing you all next Wednesday. Any last minute problems etc just send me a message.

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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by Krusty »

Yep, I'm still good.

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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by Andy.L »

Hey guys,

With Lawrence pulling out, I am quite happy to join and make up the number. Unless Sam has already changed the reservation to suit?


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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th


Hi Andy, you can take my place as due to work commitments ill be a last minute scratching. Sorry guys, gonna miss some fine wines

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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by maybs »

Total noob question but with the number of attendees should I bring two bottles of the Pol? I mean, a tasting serve of a white or red is one thing, but you have to start surely with a decent pour of the fizz...?
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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by TiggerK »

Hey maybs,

I'm sure no one will complain with a large pour of Pol, but it's entirely up to you, please don't feel obliged, it's a generous offer and one bottle amongst nine or ten is actually plenty to start with.

I was going to say to Andy.L that he is most certainly welcome. Sam is likely travelling, hence no response, but one more or less is normally never an issue.

On Behalf of Sam.....

[b]Fix St James 7pm on Wednesday 5th February.

Current attendee list and what they are bringing is below... looks a good line up. If there are any changes - people cant attend etc - just let (us) know (here on the forum):

Scott - Pol Roger 2002
Krusty - Dead Arm 2002
Burges - '98 McWilliams 1877 Cab-Shiraz
Hacker - 1998 St Henri
Polymer - Vat 1 '99
TiggerK - Kumeu Mate's Chardonnay 2008 & an Options wine.
MichaelR - Eileen Hardy? - whatcha bringing Mick?
Milan - 1998 DeBortoli Yarra Reserve GS Shiraz
Sam - Bin 707 1993 Magnum
Andy.L - ???

Looking forward to meeting a few new faces, should be a great night.


P.S Kevin, better bring a backup! As you know, Vat 1 corks from the 90's are 50/50 at best! Mind you that almost applies to any Aussie wines from the 90's.... Cork issues will be an interesting statistic (praying to cork deities).
Last edited by TiggerK on Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by dave vino »

Sorry can't make it. Have a telecon from 6pm at work discussing a new project.

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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by Polymer »

TiggerK wrote:P.S Kevin, better bring a backup! As you know, Vat 1 corks from the 90's are 50/50 at best! Mind you that almost applies to any Aussie wines from the 90's.... Cork issues will be an interesting statistic (praying to cork deities).

All my other VAT 1s have made their way overseas for storage but I'll bring something else just in case....

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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by maybs »

Can someone confirm what name the booking is under? I need to get my bottle dropped off prior because I will be going from my office to a seminar then from the seminar straight to dinner. Just wanted to give it to them with the details of the booking preferably

Please feel free to pop the cork for those who arrive spot on time, I may be 10 minutes late as my seminar on phillip st is anticipated to run to 7pm

Looking forward to it
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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by burges »

Sam has made the booking so I assume it’s in his name. At 7pm for around 12 persons (unless he’s revised it down recently).
We’ll ask for the Pol Roger 2002 in case we get too thirsty and can’t wait to get started :)

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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by Andy.L »

Hey burges, did I read correctly you will ask for the champers? You sure you the real deal here? :wink:


P.S))) haven't forgotten for what you did for me at the last offline , @ rocket

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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by Hacker »

Just decanting the '98 St Henri now - not corked....yay! Throws off a mighty crust, and impenetrable colour and taste. Better loosen up a little for tonite!
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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by maybs »

What a tease!
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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by burges »

Andy.L wrote:Hey burges, did I read correctly you will ask for the champers? You sure you the real deal here? :wink:

It’ll be my pleasure to order it for you guys
... while I try whatever it is that Hacker’s been decanting all evening ;)

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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by TiggerK »

Have changed the booking to ten people, hope that was OK, but thought it best to let them know in advance.

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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by TiggerK »

Superb night! Good range of wines, fun chatting and meeting some new faces! On the train home trying to pick a fav... Tough call. Both champagnes were superb, Kumeu showed well (just edging out the very good Eileen H). Vat1 was very youthful, almost too young! Reds... Yes, plenty, spitting was required. Chianti 06 lovely (name please Andy?), McWilliams 98 excellent and Felton Block 5 08 still too young but full of promise. Magnum of 707 1993 a tasty treat to sit on, still life in it, but mostly integrated now. St Henri 98 a curious entity, plenty of sweet fruit, delicious yet not yet complete. My options Ridge Lytton 07 was a bit scalped (duh). Dead Arm 02 was a classic, decadent, brutish Aussie big red. Phew, top effort for a weeknight!

Fav wine tonight? What do I want another glass of ASAP? Hmm, Pol Roger 02, Andy's 02 Champers (name escapes me?) or McWilliams 1877 CS 1998 for drinking now. In 3-5 years, Kumeu Mate's 08, Chianti 06, Bin 707 or the Felton Block 5 08. 5-10 years go the St Henri and Dead Arm!

Cheers everyone, and enjoy the ADL offline!

p.s. What happened to you Milan!!??? We saved you a seat!

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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by Michael R »

Great night!
Many thanks Sam for organising, and everyone for generous donations.

Nice question Tim, some lovely wines on show but if I was to have another glass of one, I'd probably go for the Chianti.

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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by maybs »

Thanks for a terrific night folks. Really appreciate the welcoming attitude and generosity both of wine and spirit. It was a bit daunting going to my first offline and first real tasting after only a few weeks on the forum but it was really great.

Interestingly enough I thought the best wine was probably the 707 or maybe the Dead Arm (though its full potential is yet to be unleashed). As I said to Mick at the time, I found it hard to summarise why but I just really enjoyed the Dead Arm.

However, what I would really enjoy another glass of ASAP is actually probably the Keamu and Eileen side by side. I really enjoyed trying the two chardonnay's of vastly different styles within the same variety one after the other and would definitely back up for a second go.

All the wines were really very good, but honourable mention has to also go to the Vat 1 and that Chianti. That chianti really got the juices flowing for the reds that were to follow.

Next time this either needs to be a Friday night or I need to use the spittoon!!
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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by Hacker »

Thanks everyone for a great evening, and given another night, any one of the wines served alone would keep me very happy. Each was delicious, even Tim's Ridge Lytton seemed much cleaner to me than to others (my crap palate :roll: ) But being the pinotphile that I am, my fav by a short nose was the Felton Block 5 2008. I thought my 1998 St Henri was all over the shop, far more primary and overcharged for my liking. Revisit in 5-10 years time. BTW I recon that Vat 1 has a good 15 years at least left in it. Still a baby, cork willing.

The spitbucket was my best friend as well, and I'm sure it saved me early this morning for the driving duties. Thanks Sam for organising!
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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by Krusty »

Echo the comments from maybs here. A great night.

The welcome for another first time offliner was as generous as everyones offerrings. My thanks to all.

For mine the McWilliams was the standout with the 2 bubbles coming in close behind. I would have liked to have had another look at the Block 5 as well.

After two nights on the trot and a lunch as well yesterday, I can certainly say that Krusty is felling quite dusty, and I am very glad that I managed not to be swayed by Sam for a midnight game of pool !!


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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by Andy.L »

Hey guys,

thanks for a great night. Great line of wines and company. For another glass, I would love the 2 champers followed by Block 5. Honourable mention to the Chianti for fleshing out so well as the night
goes on and the Kumeu Chardy *time to source some of this, and after 3 months no spending, aiming for 6 months, you are bad influence Tim :?

Krusty is felling quite dusty, and I am very glad that I managed not to be swayed by Sam for a midnight game of pool !!


totally agreed with this as well, maybe next time Sam whether in Sydney or Singapore 8)

Tim, the champer was Gimmonet Fleuron 2002 and barone ricasoli chianti classico 2006


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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by TiggerK »

OK, so for the record the full lineup was (in this approx order)...

Gimmonet Fleuron 2002
Pol Roger 2002
Tyrrell's Vat 1 Semillon 1999
Kumeu River Mate's Chardonnay 2008
Hardys Eileen Hardy Chardonnay 2008
Barone Ricasoli Chianti Classico 2006
Felton Road Block 5 Pinot Noir 2008
Penfolds St Henri 1998
Ridge Lytton Springs Zinfandel 2007
Penfolds Bin 707 Cab Sav 1993 (Magnum)
D'Arenburg The Dead Arm 2002
McWilliams 1877 Cab-Shiraz 1998

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Re: CNY Offline #1: Sydney, confirmed@ Fix St James, Wed 5th

Post by sjw_11 »

It was another excellent night with the typically mixed Fix St James service...
My apologies for trying to incite anyone to midnight games of pool: it is obviously unfair when I was the only person on holiday!

Of the wines, I thought the Gimmonet Fleuron was very very good. For me it was the pick over the Pol Roger, though I equally would happily take a glass of the Pol if anyone was to offer it.

The Tyrrell's Vat 1 was astonishingly good. So young still, but just impeccably balanced. Having the two Chardies side by side was really interesting. Both looked very youthful for 5-yrs old. The Kumeu River seemed the "fresher"/cleaner wine while the Eileen Hardy had a more obviousy funky/struck match type character. I think I marginally preferred the Eileen Hardy.

The Barone Ricasoli Chiatni was a lovely wine, one I really enjoyed. The Felton Road was surprisingly "big", quite rich and ripe, while the St Henri never quite resolved itself for me - would love to see it again in a few years time. I don't think the Ridge Lytton was faulty, per se, I think its a mix of the style and perhaps bad shipping/storage making the wine a bit less expressive.

The 707 lived up to my expectations, very pleased with it. The D'arenberg Dead Arm was classic - you could use it as a text book example of place & style.

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