01 cabernets: infanticiding cullen and majella?
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:51 am
i need help here from the more experienced board members here.
tried these supposedly highly-regarded wines over a few days. while they are both very satisfying drinks i can't help to think the "acid backbone" or "structure" (if that's what it is) is dominating the fruit at the moment. And i dont mean it's the tannin.
is this character a prerequisite for these new releases to develope those complex naunce 5-10 years down the track? my wine experience doesnt extend too far back....i've tried and liked the 97 cullen, as well as the 99 majella cab in 2003 (that's why i am buying the latest release) which i didnt notice such acidity at the time. I suppose that was because of the extra bottle age.
so are all these perceived excessive acids my punishment for committing infanticide or is this just my chink taste?
tried these supposedly highly-regarded wines over a few days. while they are both very satisfying drinks i can't help to think the "acid backbone" or "structure" (if that's what it is) is dominating the fruit at the moment. And i dont mean it's the tannin.
is this character a prerequisite for these new releases to develope those complex naunce 5-10 years down the track? my wine experience doesnt extend too far back....i've tried and liked the 97 cullen, as well as the 99 majella cab in 2003 (that's why i am buying the latest release) which i didnt notice such acidity at the time. I suppose that was because of the extra bottle age.
so are all these perceived excessive acids my punishment for committing infanticide or is this just my chink taste?