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A poll for all Lurkers

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 11:11 am
by markg
Encouraged by another thread in this forum, I asked what would make people post more to the forum - Perhaps we should first ask, "As a lurker, why don't you post more to this forum and join in the discussions" ! Knowing that, we might better be able to offer ideas to encourage more people to post.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 12:53 pm
by GraemeG
Hours gone by, and barely any response. But then, that's got to be the case, by definition....! Once you post, you ain't a lurker any more?

I should be responding to the quiz about why you post so much...cause I just like to share my ignorance with as many people as possible! :D


Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 12:54 pm
by Adam
In some forums only registered users can vote in polls, is this the case here??

Cheers, Adam

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 1:26 pm
by markg
Yikes - 72 views and only 4 votes (one of them mine).

Perhaps another option for the poll -> Indifferent indecision ?

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 1:28 pm
by Guest
Adam wrote:In some forums only registered users can vote in polls, is this the case here??

Cheers, Adam

Ahhh.. Adam, I think you have hit the hammer on the nail ! I logged out and now cannot vote !!


Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 1:30 pm
I'am embaresed - My eengleesh aint no good


You put that option in for me diddnt you? :oops: But then I am not a lurker..... :wink:

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 1:31 pm
by markg
Anonymous wrote:
Adam wrote:In some forums only registered users can vote in polls, is this the case here??

Cheers, Adam

Ahhh.. Adam, I think you have hit the hammer on the nail ! I logged out and now cannot vote !!


Hmmm. Cancel that - I logged back in and still cannot vote, so it may be that I have a cookie on me that won't let me vote twice. I shall explore.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 1:33 pm
by Guest
Can't vote as guest.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:18 pm
by Davo
Anonymous wrote:
Adam wrote:In some forums only registered users can vote in polls, is this the case here??

Cheers, Adam

Ahhh.. Adam, I think you have hit the hammer on the nail ! I logged out and now cannot vote !!



Read the can and cannots in the bottom right corner of your "page" and you will see what it is possible to do if logged in or out.

Simple really :shock: :lol:

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:44 pm
by markg
Davo wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Adam wrote:In some forums only registered users can vote in polls, is this the case here??

Cheers, Adam

Ahhh.. Adam, I think you have hit the hammer on the nail ! I logged out and now cannot vote !!



Read the can and cannots in the bottom right corner of your "page" and you will see what it is possible to do if logged in or out.

Simple really :shock: :lol:

:oops: :oops: Me being a computer programmer and all :oops: :oops:

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 3:55 pm
by DJ
How many posts do you have to have to stop being a lurker? :?
I'm sure I'm not the only one who checks out the forum daily during the working week but a week with more than one or two bottles of any interest to comment on is sadly rare. :(

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:37 pm
by Anthony Basilone
I've been lurking for 11 months now. I love reading all the messages and TNs but dont feel confident enough to post any TNs myself. I will make the effort though in future as I agree that the forum is only as strong as its contributors (witness winepros) I'll post some tn's on the recent spate of dud aged rieslings i've encountered and the fantastic '96 Maglieiri shiraz (what a bargain at about $12 pb)

regards Buzz

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 5:29 pm
by Kieran
Often, I just don't know enough about a topic to post. Although sometimes that doesn't stop me.


Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 10:21 pm
by simm
GraemeG wrote:Hours gone by, and barely any response. But then, that's got to be the case, by definition....! Once you post, you ain't a lurker any more?

I should be responding to the quiz about why you post so much...cause I just like to share my ignorance with as many people as possible! :D


Then how do we know there are any? Oooooh Scary!!! :lol:

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 10:26 pm
by simm
Anthony Basilone wrote:I've been lurking for 11 months now. I love reading all the messages and TNs but dont feel confident enough to post any TNs myself. I will make the effort though in future as I agree that the forum is only as strong as its contributors (witness winepros) I'll post some tn's on the recent spate of dud aged rieslings i've encountered and the fantastic '96 Maglieiri shiraz (what a bargain at about $12 pb)

regards Buzz

Very keen to hear more from you and Kieran!! But do you know or have you heard from any lurkers around here :?: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 3:27 am
by Bob Sherwood
As mostly a "lurker", I am here to learn more about a region's wines I've been buying and enjoying more and more. Any post I've made has been a question; when I feel "up-to-the-conversation" possibly I'll have more to say. All that just fwiw.

Also, as someone reading from the U.S.A. I'm fearful of really misunderstanding your assorted colloquialisms; I'd hate to say something and inadvertently end-up "cursing somebody out" !

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 5:14 am
by Geoffrey
Also, as someone reading from the U.S.A. I'm fearful of really misunderstanding your assorted colloquialisms; I'd hate to say something and inadvertently end-up "cursing somebody out" ![/quote][quote]

Gee Bob "fair suck of the old sausage" i would have thought you guys weren't fearful of anybody least of all a "put another Prawn on the barbie mate" Aussie wine drinker!


Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 10:10 am
by Gavin Trott
Kieran wrote:Often, I just don't know enough about a topic to post. Although sometimes that doesn't stop me.



That's never stopped me, don't let it stop you. :roll:

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 10:41 am
by Bob Sherwood
"fair suck of the old sausage"

Somebody - please - send me a dictionary ! If I said that to someone here, I'd be a dead man. O.K. maybe not if I was in a gay bar.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 11:12 am
by Dig
I voted 'other' as I have a sense of loyalty to another forum. I still enjoy reading here but I kind of feel that it's inappropriate to post.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 3:03 pm
by Gavin Trott
Dig wrote:I voted 'other' as I have a sense of loyalty to another forum. I still enjoy reading here but I kind of feel that it's inappropriate to post.


Why? Surely you can be involved and post on both? I know you're a regular of WineStar but do not see why that would stop you being a regular here too, I have no problem with that and doubt Bert would?

Its a big internet and I have no problem with Winestar or winestar regulars and or panel members posting here.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 5:19 pm
by Guest
Bob Sherwood wrote:Also, as someone reading from the U.S.A. I'm fearful of really misunderstanding your assorted colloquialisms; I'd hate to say something and inadvertently end-up "cursing somebody out" !

No wuckers Bob. Strewth mate, only a bloke with a few roos short in the top paddock would get aggro at a yank who can't speak the lingo. (That's Strine to you). :wink:

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 8:00 pm
by ChrisH
I voted 'other' as I have a sense of loyalty to another forum. I still enjoy reading here but I kind of feel that it's inappropriate to post.

Pity, I detect some polarisation these days, which I see as a negative for both forums.

Trouble is it all becomes a bit insular and cliquey if you restict yourself Dig - just 7 people account for over half the posts on that other forum.

You can maybe choose your forum of choice for tasting notes so they don't duplicate and become boring for readers of both Oz forums, but surely it helps the variety and spice if you comment on issues on both (particularly as the issues on each forum are often different anyway) ?


Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 10:42 am
by Luca - Guest
I think the polarisation is all one way traffic. I frequent both forums as an observer and rarely post, but the bitching and whinging is confined only to this board. Some who spend time telling others to lighten up should really start to practice what they preach.


Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 12:32 pm
by Mark K
ChrisH wrote:
Dig wrote:I voted 'other' as I have a sense of loyalty to another forum. I still enjoy reading here but I kind of feel that it's inappropriate to post.

Pity, I detect some polarisation these days, which I see as a negative for both forums.
Trouble is it all becomes a bit insular and cliquey if you restict yourself Dig - just 7 people account for over half the posts on StarForum (ed).
You can maybe choose your forum of choice for tasting notes so they don't duplicate and become boring for readers of both Oz forums, but surely it helps the variety and spice if you comment on issues on both (particularly as the issues on each forum are often different anyway) ?

Couldn't agree more on the tasting notes, it gets a little mundane to read the same notes on both forums. With the correct referencing notation we should be able to cross post anyway. :wink: Just got to get mine proof read by a QC first.....

I wouldn't read too much into the stats from Starforum, or here. I think you just get waves of the same people posting for a period of time and this then changes. We've seen it on the old forum here, the new one, StarForum, Winepros and even the old forum.

I think both forums are ace and I will continue to post across both, most of my tasting notes will go on StarForum, but I love contributing here as well. I think Bert and Gavin are extremely generous to put up some bandwidth for these fora and would encourage everyone to take advantage of that. Even though I am a member of the StaPanel, I have no qualms posting here. I see nothing productive in isolating myself to a particular forum (or wine), it would be as damaging as cellar palate. I agree too, the discussions on StarForum and here are often quite different. I continue to learn from both.


Mark K

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 12:57 pm
by ChrisH
Mark K said:
you just get waves of the same people posting for a period of time and this then changes.

Good point 99, when I think back in time.... :wink:

Oh, and with the tasting notes, a simple Barrister would do..... :roll:

Luca said :

I frequent both forums as an observer and rarely post, but the bitching and whinging is confined only to this board

You must be a sensitive little soul - I can't think of too much of this happening myself - not that I really worry about it - all comments are useful to add life to the board surely ? Maybe you could help counteract it if you think there is, by posting something postive yourself ? :wink:


Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 1:23 pm
by Raisin
I find the discussions on this board quite informative. I certainly don't detect much animosity here. On the contrary, there seems to be a friendly,casual relationship between posters.

I probably share the sentiments of many others out there when I cite time (or lack thereof) as being a major reason for confining our activities to lurking. It takes me forever to put down notes that make sense. Hell, it's taking me forever just to write this simple note. But when I grow up, I want to be able to post just like Torb and other regulars.

A quick suggestion. I think the previous forum format stimulated more discussion and encouraged lurkers to participate more. The WLDG forum format is one that comes to my mind as a great model to encourage more participation. Nevertheless, I love your board and congratulate all that contribute.



Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 4:46 pm
by Lincoln
I don't post as often because I don't feel part of auswine any more. Most of the people I started with, Campbell, 389, Tyson, Gerard Connors, and most importantly PLCB, don't post any more: it's just a bunch of strangers for the most part, and people I've realised that I will never agree with no matter how much a topic is debated.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 4:56 pm
by Wycroft
I seldom post, mainly because I don't think I have a great deal to say, and I guess nerves come into it given the sheer amount of great wine consumed by some of the regulars, and their great tasting notes. But, if I could make one observation, in my opinion there is a great deal less animosity than the forum where I used to lurk:Winepros. Perhaps that's the reason this forum has so much more business! I'd like to thank pretty much everyone who posts here for being so cordial and lighthearted in their posts. Long may it continue. And perhaps I'll find the confidence to become less of a lurker next year.

Merry Christmas

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 7:28 pm
by Ian S
Wycroft wrote:I seldom post, mainly because I don't think I have a great deal to say, and I guess nerves come into it given the sheer amount of great wine consumed by some of the regulars, and their great tasting notes. But, if I could make one observation, in my opinion there is a great deal less animosity than the forum where I used to lurk:Winepros. Perhaps that's the reason this forum has so much more business! I'd like to thank pretty much everyone who posts here for being so cordial and lighthearted in their posts. Long may it continue. And perhaps I'll find the confidence to become less of a lurker next year.

Merry Christmas

Very much agree with your views on winepro's vs. both sites.