Mitchelton gets the bouquet

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Mitchelton gets the bouquet

Post by GrahamB »

On October 26 homework report for Ric, I commented on my disappointment with a 96 Mitchelton CS. I emailed the winery and on Tuesday had received an answer that the museum stock had been checked and found to be good and offering to replace my 96 Cabernet with a current vintage Cabernet.

Today in the mail, as good as their word, came not one but two wines. Both in Stelvin which would appeal to the screw cap gang.

Yet again another well respected winemaker looks after their customers with little or no fuss.


Chardonnay: A drink you have when there is no RED wine, the beer hasn't arrived and the water may be polluted

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Red Bigot
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Post by Red Bigot »

Love the sign-off line :-)
Life's too short to drink white wine and red wine is better for you too! :-)

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