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it's like being ....ed to death.

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:17 am
by Serge Birbrair
2001 Château Pavie

In the words from Godfather II: "You disapointed me, Fredo"
Ultra extracted, ultra concentrated, lots of flavors densely packed for not very pleasant result. It's like spending the night with 10 Marylin Monroes all at once. One is fascinating while 10 would just kill you.

The wine had a perfect cork, 1 mm rim, suggesting good storage and no overheat, but already there are the sediments which is unusual for 5 years young wine.

ABC in Florida has it for under $100 a bottle - I will not rush to the store tomorrow to buy more.
I have few bottles of 2000 and 2004 (futures), anybody wants a trade?

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 12:09 pm
by KMP
Its interesting to see how Parker has scored Pavie. The 1976 received 56 (9/80) "an insipid, dull, diluted wine", all the way to 100 for the 2000, ".. one of the most monumental wines Bordeaux has ever produced." and "Life is too short not to own and consume the 2000 Pavie." I think Perse became the owner in 96 or 97. It went from the mid 80's to 95 points in 1998 and has stayed there ever since.


Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:56 pm
by Serge Birbrair
Mike, 2001 Pavie makes Marquis Phillip #9 blush.

Believe it or not, but the thought of diluting it with water did cross my mind a few times during the dinner.

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:39 pm
by crusty2
Its interesting to see how Parker has scored Pavie. The 1976 received 56 (9/80) "an insipid, dull, diluted wine"

how I wish some of the "diluted wines" that are made outside of Bx could hold up as well as the 1976 Pavie. Tasted in 2005 and could be described as a "light luncheon wine", as I have read elsewhere. Still with some life, limited, but a surprise to the Adelaide Importer Rep. as she had not had this "weak vintage wine" before.
Maybe a starter at an Adelaide Offline whenever. hint, hint.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 5:26 am
by Nayan
crusty2 wrote:
Maybe a starter at an Adelaide Offline whenever. hint, hint.

If you hold it, they will come...

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:17 am
by Serge Birbrair
Clive Coates, The Vine -- "Anyone who thinks this is good wine needs a brain and palate transplant. This wine will be scored simply as undrinkable."

Rating: n/a ... 6RKEP1.DTL

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:29 am
by n4sir
Nayan wrote:
crusty2 wrote:Maybe a starter at an Adelaide Offline whenever. hint, hint.

If you hold it, they will come...

If someone wants to get the ball rolling I'm interested. After last year's terrible effort by the Adelaide Forumites (only two offlines for the whole year, the first one in August) I think we should kick things off pretty early this year.

So what does everyone think about a monthly get together at T-Chow (where the food is cheap, and the corkage is ridiculously cheap) as a regular event?

Any other suggestions? - Mark, you continually mention about having one at Enzos on Port Road, so why don't you book us in - at least you won't come up with your usual lame excuses about missing it. :twisted:


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:17 pm
by geo t.
There's hope for you yet, Serge; Pavie is a travesty.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:23 pm
by Serge Birbrair
there is no hope for me,
I stepped into another landmine,
second in 2 days:

2002 Ladera Cabernet Sauvignon Howell Mountain, Napa, USA


15.6% alcohol, overextracted, slightly better than 2001 Pavie, but not by much. Why did the winemaker felt the need to pack this one with everything the nature intended, plus a kitchen sink is beyond me. The wine has an elegance of a Sherman tank.
The good news is: no toasted smoky flavors, no jaminess, could have been worse.

I have to start paying better attention to Tanzer

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 3:34 pm
by geo t.
Serge Birbrair wrote:Geo,
there is no hope for me,
I stepped into another landmine,
second in 2 days:

2002 Ladera Cabernet Sauvignon Howell Mountain, Napa, USA


15.6% alcohol, overextracted, slightly better than 2001 Pavie, but not by much. Why did the winemaker felt the need to pack this one with everything the nature intended, plus a kitchen sink is beyond me. The wine has an elegance of a Sherman tank.
The good news is: no toasted smoky flavors, no jaminess, could have been worse.

I have to start paying better attention to Tanzer

Ladera's '01s were much better.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:26 am
by Serge Birbrair
the entire vintage of '01 was much better.

I have no '02 anymore and 01's I have I let sleep
(no Ladera, though)