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NWR U Brew Beers - Attn Brisbane forumites

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 4:06 pm
by GrahamB
Brisbane beer drinkers.

I have put this on another forum, but need to cover all drinkers. Please excuse the double posting.

I recently saw an add for a U Brew facility at Wacol in the western suburbs of Brisbane. There is a facility somewhere up at Boondal in the north. I enjoy a premium beer on occasions.

You start the brew off and the facility takes care of it. You then return to filter and bottle the result. Must be some legal thing that you made the beer and they just store it under controlled conditions.

I was able to try two of their beers yesterday. A Mount Canada lager (Moosehead) and a Mexicana (Corona). Excellent beers both of them.

My problem is I really don't want to have to drink my way through six cartons of the same beer. I would like to find "like minded" Brisbane forumites who might want a carton or two each.

A brew costs from $115 to $140 (six cartons) depending on the beer you choose. Mexicana is $120 Mount Canada lager is $130.

If you need to buy a set of bottles, (144) they are availabe for $66 a set. Screw top bottles are not really suitable and you need to collect your bottles and keep them clean.

In February they hope to start a share a brew option. Put your name and brew on a notice board and people elect to share your brew and cost.

I would like to start a brew soon. A brew can take from 2 to 4 weeks. Anyone interested post an answer here or send me a PM.
