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TN:(Scholz Family) Back Block Barossa Valley Shiraz 2002

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 2:07 am
by KMP
(Scholz Family) Back Block Barossa Valley Shiraz 2002 $44.99USD
(12 month in American oak 100% shiraz from Light's Pass vineyard)

Dense cherry red with red edge. Very open with oak, blackberry and chocolate. Mouthfilling with big, but unobtrusive, tannins. Covers the palate with chocolate. Finishes crisp and clean with a faint bitterness. Prolonged retronasal. A powerful wine. Developed mint (shiraz masquerading as cabernet), and some sweetness to the finish. 2,2,4.5,10.3 = 18.8. 15.4% alcohol.

At 24 hours the alcohol began to show itself, but it is amazing that this wine holds together so well. Already throwing some sediment. Tasted July 27-28.

I've labeled the wine from the Scholz family, and it is, but that is not prominent on the label. The Sholz family also make the Willows Vineyard wines recently reviewed by TORB. Back Block does not seem to be among the wines Ric describes and from the description here in the States its quite a limited release (60 cases) which makes me suspect that it might be a trial run at a Parkerized wine. Its certainly in that style.
