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kangaroo island wines

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 5:56 pm
by Dang
The steaks were sizzling in the frying pan before I realised that the special wine for the evening was not decanted. No problem, just grab the corkscrew and my [b]99 Lashmar Kangaroo Island Cab[b] would be ready. I ended up with a third of the cork and the other two-third in zillion pieces. I do not think they have screw caps in 99!

Quick, a filter. No filter could be found. Paper towel would do. The wine was filtered into two measuring cups and mercifully poured back into the rinsed bottle. At least the wine was well aired! Just in time to pull the frying pan off the burner. The steaks were just right, nice medium rare, just like any chef would have done.
The nose/palate showed plenty of black fruits (especially black currants) entertwained in dark chocolate, anise, tobacco, olive and some mint. The palate was so nice and balanced and there was enough soft tannin left to compliment the steak. Only one problem: I do prefer my steak rare. Oh well.
[b]Lashmar[/b] seems to disappear since 2011. Anybody knows the whereabout of the winery. I do really like to make a trip to the island one day. Anybody knows about the other wines from the island?
Dac Dang