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Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 7:29 pm
by Dennisr
I attended the last Rare Wine Dinner for 2015 at Salt Pepper Nutmeg last Saturday night.
We were served 11 wines with two Barolo showing very well.
1969 Batasiolo Kiola Barolo and 1974 Cantina Della Porta Rossa Barolo.
I meet Adam at the dinner who seems to like Barolo a lot
He wants me to find 6 or 8 like minded souls looking to bring a bottle to a gathering at a venue somewhere along the pacific highway north shore. The date to be discussed which suits most of those interested.
If anyone interested please let me know on this thread.
The food at the restaurant was also very impressive and would rcommend it.

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 7:39 pm
by dave vino
I would be interested, but it would depend on when.

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 7:46 pm
by TiggerK
Hi Dennis, I'm also very interested, date dependent.

I was at the dinner too, where were you sitting? Near Adam? Agree that the two Barolo's were particularly good, the 69's had the 'tar' and the 74 had the 'roses'. It was a great night with so many wines showing very well.

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 7:54 pm
by catchnrelease
December 5/6th or after February 23rd. :lol:

Why not extend it to simply Nebbiolo to compare other countries offerings/takes on the grape?

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 8:38 pm
by Dennisr
I think any Nebbiolo with some bottle age would be welcome. I think comparing Aged Nebbiolo from different terroir would be of interest to the group.

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 8:41 pm
by Dennisr
I think any Nebbiolo with some bottle age would be welcome. I think comparing Aged Nebbiolo from different terroir would be of interest to the group.

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 9:52 pm
by Hacker
I would be keen too. I may not have any appropriate Barolo, but I could provide some nice bubbles beforehand :)

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:23 pm
by odyssey
I'm interested date dependent.

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:19 am
by ufo
odyssey wrote:I'm interested date dependent.

Same here.

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:03 am
by Polymer
I'd be interested depending on the date...

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:18 am
by winetastic
I am yet to attend an offline however this is right up my alley.

Depending on date, count myself and my partner as interested.

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 2:40 pm
by winz
In the same boat as winetastic having never attended an offline, but recently caught the nebbiolo bug so am very interested, also date dependent.

Don't have very many older Barolos at all, but have accumulated quite a few 2010s, so am happy to bring those if suitable :)

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 8:24 am
by rooman
I have a bit of 96/97 Barbaresco Reserva tucked away and would be keen to attend, again depending on when and where. I am happy keeping it with an Italian theme as most of the Australian versions I have tried so far are really not up to much with the exception of the Castagna Adams Rib combo. (Hacker I am more than happy to put an Italian wine label on any of the bubbles you bring and call it Barolo)

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 5:05 pm
by PaulV
Would be very interested in getting back into the offline after quite a sabbatical. Love Barolo/ Barbaresco and have some back to 1996



Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 7:53 pm
by JamieBahrain
Don't be afraid to give these wines some air- I'm unsure how the local versions perform if you are going to compare New World versus Old World though.

Too often I see Barolo treated like Burgundy. Last night we popped and poured a magnum of 1999 Conterno Monfortino Riserva for goodness sakes!

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 12:01 pm
by maybs
I am definitely interested in this.

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 4:32 pm
by AdamR
Hi guys.

I'm glad to see a positive response in regards to Nebbiolo. My original idea is aimed to get a group of people who are interested and to a degree committed or passionate about Nebbiolo. My thoughts are along the lines that Barolo and barbaresco are expensive and thus we are better pooling resources. I am hoping that if the first dinner brings together a good group of people to make a quarterly or so meet with different themes etc.

So in that light and given the time of year j would be looking at a dinner in early January. The first being held at a restaurant on the north shore of Sydney. I do not have one locked in but I would aim to have some sort of special menu based on the wines. The theme would be Barolo from the 90s. Each person brings a bottle. Those that do not have one have time to acquire one. One they feel is expensive but reasonable for them (as in not their once in a life time bottle, but not that cheap Barolo that they picked up at Costco). I would probably ask a small cash buy in for a bottle of sparkling or designate an attendant to bring one instead.

So the question is does this sound reasonable, is anyone still interested, or will Dennis and myself have to go to town on our bottles?

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 5:21 pm
by Hacker
Hacker wrote:I would be keen too. I may not have any appropriate Barolo, but I could provide some nice bubbles beforehand :)
AdamR wrote:Hi guys.

I would probably ask a small cash buy in for a bottle of sparkling or designate an attendant to bring one instead.

So the question is does this sound reasonable, is anyone still interested, or will Dennis and myself have to go to town on our bottles?

Does that cover the bubbles? :) Date dependant of course.

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 5:43 pm
by TiggerK
Hackers bubbles easily qualify him as preferred sparkling designate!!

Agree that we should stick to Italian Barolo and Barbaresco but can I suggest we not limit it to 90's but look at 2004 or earlier, of course ideally the older the better. Gives more flexibility for those looking to buy a bottle. And 'backups' can always give us a look at New World alternatives or younger Italians, but as very much optional secondary bottles for those interested in doing so.

Let us know how you go with a venue! Getting a date locked in will be difficult at that time of year, you'll have more luck in early Feb, but it's up to you!! Should be fun.

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 6:05 pm
by Hacker
Besides SPN, two others which stand out for me are Rocket in Chatswood and Cafe Lyon in Lindfield.

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 11:24 am
by odyssey
AdamR wrote:One they feel is expensive but reasonable for them (as in not their once in a life time bottle, but not that cheap Barolo that they picked up at Costco).

So the question is does this sound reasonable, is anyone still interested, or will Dennis and myself have to go to town on our bottles?

Sounds great Adam! I think this is the perfect way to do such a theme.

I too am a little concerned about the date, though, since there will be a Rhone offline in early-to-mid January.

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 11:24 am
by odyssey
I seem to be seeing double... Maybe too much German Kabinett tonight...


Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:47 pm
by Polymer
TiggerK wrote:Agree that we should stick to Italian Barolo and Barbaresco but can I suggest we not limit it to 90's but look at 2004 or earlier, of course ideally the older the better. Gives more flexibility for those looking to buy a bottle.]

Yeap...I think if you limit it to 90s you'll have a lot of drop outs...which is the one problem w/ want the age..but they're hard to find with age unless you have them already...hard enough to find in say, the US...even harder in AU..although I did spy some late 90s in a few places...

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:47 am
by Ian S
A slight word of caution about just going Barolo + Barbaresco. This can generate a bit of palate fatigue, eased a little by mixing some fully/over mature vintages in. I've often left slightly disappointed that great wines get lost, especially if tasting in quick succession, or that wine-geeks habit of having 4-5 glasses on the go at any one point in time. It can also be a challenge for the kitchen, as some of the best matches for B&B are quite rich in flavour. If not thought through it really can be too much of a good thing. Definitely talk this through with the restaurant.

Wine enthusiasts are a generous bunch and no-one would feel happy bringing a $30 Barbera or Dolcetto, when everyone else is bringing along $80-150 wines. Hence a Piemonte tasting invariably becomes a succession of fine nebbiolo, but where we end up missing the subtleties.

I would certainly recommend some of the following to at least top & tail the evening with a non-nebbiolo bottle at either end. Perhaps get one person to bring a couple of these instead of a Barolo or Barbaresco so they don't feel like they're letting the team down:

Roero Arneis
Timorasso (often quite a big white - very capable with white meat and lighter red meat)

Aperitif/Dessert p.s. Moscato is generally brilliant with chocolate desserts, which might not seem an obvious match.
Moscato d'Asti
Brachetto d'Acqui / Birbet (Roero)

Lighter reds each should be very appetising
Verduno Pelaverga
Subtly oaked Barbera
Dolcetto (Cavallotto's Vigna Scot is excellent)
Fumin - not actually Piemonte, but up in Aosta - a wine that somehow seems to straddle Burgundy/Langhe Pinot Noir/Nebbiolo.

I hope you have a great meal, and will await the write-up with interest!


Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:38 pm
by rooman
Did we work out a date for this? Re the age of the wines, I am happy 2004 and earlier.


Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 6:27 am
by Ian S
In terms of accessible recent vintages, 2000 seemed to remain open and accessible from what I've tasted, without ever really closing down. 2007 seemed of a similar build, so might be a smart choice.

Many more wines are made to be more fruity / less tannic these days (I'm NOT saying I agree with this approach - grrr!), so choosing a suitable producer for a younger wine may mean it's not a tightly coiled ball of tannin. In addition, recent vintage wines often remain quite approachable, before the initial fruit eases back to reveal the tannic core. I say all this despite me being an ardent fan of the joys of delicate aged nebbiolo, and sometimes surprised at the level of vinfanticide that goes on.


Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:17 pm
by JamieBahrain
Ian S wrote:Wine enthusiasts are a generous bunch and no-one would feel happy bringing a $30 Barbera or Dolcetto, when everyone else is bringing along $80-150 wines. Hence a Piemonte tasting invariably becomes a succession of fine nebbiolo, but where we end up missing the subtleties.

I've noted a few Cheap-Charlies of late who prey on generosity. A Coche Dury Meursault was a disappointing contrast in the esky to a Evans and Tate SSB at a BBQ last week. And a recent informal Piedmont dinner someone happy to bring a few modest Ozzie reds versus Gaja and friends.

There will always be generous enthusiasts who have the opportunity or capacity to share great wines with others but there are a few free loaders too.

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 9:57 am
by winetastic
I have several 2004 Barolos in the cellar, but have been attempting to secure something solid from 98/99/2000 at auction if this dinner goes ahead.

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 11:40 am
by AdamR
Hi guys,

Sorry I haven't locked in a date. I have had some personal things to sort out, and so thinking about wine hasn't been a priority.

However I am keen. I have been keeping the odd eye out on the auctions and there has been a lot of nebbiolo around including a bottle I have always wanted now in my fridge and a bank statement the wife hopefully wont find. I am happy to put more specifics on price brackets etc as I have been burnt before and whilst I understand expensive is relative and personally I am not the most wealthy person but its . I also want to push for enthusiasts of the style too, we can do different dinners for people who want to try nebbiolo. I am happy to share special bottles, but I want to share with people who can appreciate them and can reciprocate.

Lets aim for Feb. Plenty of time to make some purchases.

And again my apologies. I will get my act together.

Re: Barolo and Barbaresco Dinner

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:23 pm
by Polymer

I know you haven't been on the forum that long but people aren't going to bring junk...If you look at the offlines we've had so far, people are going to try to find something pretty good...sometimes there are a few ok wines but there as just as many fantastic overly generous people as well that bring absolutely fantastic stuff. This isn't some normal "wine dinner" this is a wine enthusiasts forum...

I've seen some people express concern on here before about what people will bring...but having gone to a number of these, I don't think anyone tries to get out on the cheap.....If anything, you see what others are bringing and start feeling pressure on what to bring...People will bring extras, options, backups, whatever...These are wine people, they want to SHARE what they have.

If it ever becomes a problem, I suppose the people involved can either start making rules or not allow people to go...but there doesn't seem to be any indication that will become an issue...