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Social Media in the Wine Industry

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:45 pm
by thevinogeek
Hi All, I've recently written an article on my blog about Social Media in the wine industry and perhaps the lack of it.

Sure enough there are plenty of wineries on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube etc. but in the big scheme of things, there actually aren't many! The consumers are there waiting to be engaged. Just wondering what eveyrone else's thoughts are on this. Do you see it as an under-utilised tool in the industry?

The Vino Geek

Re: Social Media in the Wine Industry

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:40 pm
by Diddy
Philip White's blog touched on this very topic just the other day.

He brought it up in the context of how the Australian wine industry might go about changing perceptions about Australian wine from the fruit bombs of the 90s to the more refined/balanced wines of today.

No sooner had I read that article than I was reading a post on an American forum explaining how the poster didn't bother trying Australian wines any more because they were all one dimensional fruit bombs! :roll:

Re: Social Media in the Wine Industry

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 9:27 am
by Sean

Re: Social Media in the Wine Industry

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 10:20 am
by thevinogeek
Hey Sean, Thanks very much for your reply. Great to get some feedback from a reader and hope you find the content interesting? Will certainly have a look at the layout of the blog and some of the formatting.

Completely agree with your observations and knowledge in the Social Media space. The potential audience is the key and as you say, it's like opening up your cellar door every day to a whole new audience.

Keep an eye on the blog - some big things coming soon.
