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Tasmania mixed dozen freight price

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:54 pm
by satiated
Hi all,

I'm heading to Tassie over the christmas period, and looking to hit up some of the wineries there. I'm digging through some of the past discussions on here to get some ideas of good places to visit.

I've seen the Tasmanian Mixed Dozen scheme where you can put together a mixed dozen from different wineries as you go, and then get it shipped at the final winery you visit. They say they'll ship it back for you for only the "cost of freight". But I haven't seen anything actually saying what that cost is. Does anyone have any experience/knowledge of how much this shipping works out to be?


Re: Tasmania mixed dozen freight price

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:17 pm
by sjw_11
Assuming its shipping within Australia I would doubt its more than $30... I have only done it before in Tassia "unofficially" that is, by asking nicely at the last winery we went to and they just charged us literally whatever their own specific freight charge was (maybe $20ish) with no special pricing for the fact the case had other peoples wines in it as well

Re: Tasmania mixed dozen freight price

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:23 pm
by satiated
Thanks for your reply. I think the "unnofficial" channel you're talking about is now an official channel that many of the wineries participate in. In the Tasmania wine route brochure, they flag all the wineries that are participating in the scheme. The brochure is here: ... e_2013.pdf. Seems like a good idea to me.