The Great '96 vs The Great '98 Vintage

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What is the Greatest Vintage

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Re: The Great '96 vs The Great '98 Vintage

Post by Brucer »

Mike Hawkins wrote:
Brucer wrote:I sent the 96 St Henri off, because I dont like it now.
I have kept a six pack of 98 RWT, but have not tried for 2-3 years. This is a very good wine, just needed more time.

I guess we're in opposite camps!! I thought the 98 RWT was really disappointing last year, whereas 2 years ago I had the first of a couple of cases of the 96 St Henri and felt it hadn't budged much since release (still very primary).



Wow. Wine is weird Mike. Especially when corks are involved.
I have a cool cellar, 16 degrees, so its not that.
I bought 2 doz 96 St Henri when released, and drank them as they aged, and last year decided that I had had enough of the wine, and didnt like where it was.
With the 98 RWT, I always just felt that it would eventually come together, and have drunk only a couple. The last one was at least 2 years ago, so I need to try it again.
It was built big, with big oak, but I always felt the fruit was up to it. Maybe I was wrong. I will open one soon and report.

I only have 2 wines in the cellar, where there is 96 and 98. Rockford Basket Press and Greenock Creek, Creek Block shiraz.

Its weird about St Henri, as I have been a fan for ages. I drank my way through a couple of doz of 1990, and have bought and drunk most vintages since.
When not drinking a fine red, I'm a cardboard claret man!

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