HELP - My cellar is leaking

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HELP - My cellar is leaking

Post by Gianna »

After a decade of dryness, I've found that my cellar is leaking from somewhere.
Not a lot of water, just small puddles that accumulate as per the slant of the concrete floor, but this is the second time in two weeks now given all of the rain that Melb has had.

Does anybody have any idea what could possibly be happening?

My cellar is a fully underground room, essentially walled by solid concrete, so an impossible task to get through the walls.

What type of tradesman could I call for a problem like this?

HELP please....!!
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Re: HELP - My cellar is leaking

Post by ticklenow1 »

You will need to contact a concrete waterproofing specialist. I am not sure who to call in your part of the world but let your fingers do the walking. F.G James perhaps.

A fix you can do youself is using Zinnser Watertite paint. I am not sure if you want a white cellar, though it can be tinted a little. A mate is a waterproofing guru and this is the product he told me that the average punter can use (and easily source, Bunnings, good paint shops etc). It can be painted onto wet surfaces. 2 coats and hopefully, no more water ingress. I am building a cellar at the moment and have rendered walls and this is the product that I am painting my walls with (for a different reason admittedly). But a specialist is always the best bet.

Good luck in solving your problem.
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Re: HELP - My cellar is leaking

Post by Gianna »

Thanks Tickle,

I reckon that will help with some the seeping floor
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Mark J
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Re: HELP - My cellar is leaking

Post by Mark J »


It would be good to find out where the water is coming from - walls, floor, ceiling?. Also apart from the increase in rain, has anything changed outside the cellar that might have contributed? ie removal of a big tree, placing or removal of concrete paths/slabs? Alterations in the way rainwater is moved on the site?

Ultimately if no reason externally can be found and rectified than internal waterproofing is the only way. It may have to be doen over the whole internals of the cellar though.

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