I thought I'd pick an example from the 'main' shiraz producing regions. I know, every GI lays claim to producing great shiraz, but for the sake of simplicity (and I'm talking about the people I work with) I am going to stick to what are considered to be the most recognisable shiraz regions (Hunter, Barossa and Heathcote)
So the other challenge is to find an example from each region that not only displays good varietal character, but also demonstrates good regional character. To make matters worse I've got to stick under the $20 mark...
Barossa - Since it's been recommended to me on here, and it pleased me greatly, I thought the Thorn Clarke Sandpiper Shiraz 2008. Not only is a great affordable Shiraz, it is (in my mind) a good fruit forward example of Barossa Valley shiraz
McLaren Vale - It's an old favourite of mine, but the D'Arenberg Footbolt Shiraz 2007
Hunter Valley - The Cumulus Rolling Shiraz perhaps? Affordable, but I have a sneaky feeling this is Orange and not Hunter...
Heathcote = Struggling to find anything here under $20 so may cheat and look at a Mitchelton or Tahbilk for under $20. Also could look at Bendigo, plenty of affordable shiraz such as Ch. Leamon or Water Wheel that are decent and show regional characteristics
So, there's my starter. Actually, with the price and the limits I've set myself this is harder than I thought