Shiraz - Region to region

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Shiraz - Region to region

Post by Rawshack »

OK, so i'm doing a tasting for work and the theme, someone unsurprisingly, will be Shiraz. Yes, I know, but it is our national grape.

I thought I'd pick an example from the 'main' shiraz producing regions. I know, every GI lays claim to producing great shiraz, but for the sake of simplicity (and I'm talking about the people I work with) I am going to stick to what are considered to be the most recognisable shiraz regions (Hunter, Barossa and Heathcote)

So the other challenge is to find an example from each region that not only displays good varietal character, but also demonstrates good regional character. To make matters worse I've got to stick under the $20 mark...

Barossa - Since it's been recommended to me on here, and it pleased me greatly, I thought the Thorn Clarke Sandpiper Shiraz 2008. Not only is a great affordable Shiraz, it is (in my mind) a good fruit forward example of Barossa Valley shiraz

McLaren Vale - It's an old favourite of mine, but the D'Arenberg Footbolt Shiraz 2007

Hunter Valley - The Cumulus Rolling Shiraz perhaps? Affordable, but I have a sneaky feeling this is Orange and not Hunter...

Heathcote = Struggling to find anything here under $20 so may cheat and look at a Mitchelton or Tahbilk for under $20. Also could look at Bendigo, plenty of affordable shiraz such as Ch. Leamon or Water Wheel that are decent and show regional characteristics

So, there's my starter. Actually, with the price and the limits I've set myself this is harder than I thought ;)
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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by cuttlefish »

Seppelt Chalambar may make a good sub-$20 Victorian entrant
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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by griff »

The Cumulus is Orange as you thought. The 2007 Phillip or a Meerea Park or a Ravensworth Shiraz would do for Hunter.

Perhaps a Hilltops version like Clonnakilla Hilltops? Or find a cool climate style for comparison to the big boys.

I would skip Heathcote due to the cost as you mention.


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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by GraemeG »

Isn't Tyrrell's Rufus from Heathcote?
Think Chalambar is Victoria-wide.
griff's on the money.

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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by Loztralia »

Chateau Francois would be good for the Hunter if you can get hold of some.
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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by Dave Dewhurst »

I quite like Cahillton Heathcote shiraz. No idea really if typical of the region but a reasonable drop at around $20.

Tahbilk is much better with a bit of age if you can find it. Had a 99 last week which was excellent.



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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by Roscoe »

GraemeG wrote:Isn't Tyrrell's Rufus from Heathcote?
Think Chalambar is Victoria-wide.
griff's on the money.

There's a Rufus from Heathcote and one from MV. I haven't had 07 or 08 of the Heathcote one. 06 was good and <20.
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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by via collins »

reckon The Story is a ripper representative of Grampians region and the standard model is $20, and then there's the Mt Langi range same neighbourhood, is it Cliff's Edge that goes out under $20?

The Henty Estate 06/07 models of Shiraz are super for the Hamilton/Western Vic representation - should be able to snare at $20

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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by odyssey »

Griff I think the entry level Meerea Park Shiraz is Hilltops, not Hunter :).

Tyrell's Stevens Shiraz is a good hunter option, or Lindemans Steven Vinyard too.


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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by griff »

odyssey wrote:Griff I think the entry level Meerea Park Shiraz is Hilltops, not Hunter :).

Tyrell's Stevens Shiraz is a good hunter option, or Lindemans Steven Vinyard too.


Yes I should say go for the Meerea Aunts Shiraz from 2007.


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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by daz »

Mount Langi Ghiran Billi Billi from the Grampians for around $15. Halliday rated the 07 94pts, GW 89pts. I've only tried one glass (forget vintage) but it was very nice. Forget Heatcote! Well, perhaps the Rufus Stone is an exception for vfm.

St Hallett Faith is a reliable Barossan performer for around $15 as is the Sandpiper. But for a few $s more Teusner Riebke is a no-brainer for a Barossa representative.



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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by Waiters Friend »

You've set an interesting conundrum. Regional typicity AND under $20. Not easy.....

Barossa: Rolf Binder entry level is around (or less than) $20. St Hallett Faith and Teusner Riebke are both good (in this price range), bu not quite a Binder.

Hunter: McWilliams Mount Pleasant Philip perhaps? Not sure it is typical (although it generally has a couple of specifically Hunter characteristics). Again, the sub-$20 mark makes this even more difficult.

Heathcote; I think Rufus Stone is THE only sub-$20 Heathcote Shiraz, isn't it? :?

What about Coonawarra? It has acres of shiraz long before i became known as a cabernet region, and regionally-typical sub-$20 wines are easier to find.

Or Clare Shiraz? Even easier.

I also fully endorse previous suggestions for the use of a Seppelt Chalambar in lieu of a Heathcote.


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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by daz »

Well, some have boosted Water Wheel Bendigo Shiraz in the past but the few times I've tried it I've been underwhelmed. The Grampians is the go for Vic shiraz, agree with an earlier suggestion of The Story - Rory's wines are made with passion - because they're always very good, sometimes exceptional.

McLaren Vale vies with the Barossa and the Clare in SA. Look for wines from the two Bens, Glaetzer and Riggs, Mitolo and Penny's Hill respectively.



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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by Rawshack »

Thanks for the suggestions everyone, there's certainly plenty of stuff here to make me think, which is usually something of a hazardous proposition for me

So, with your suggestions in mind I might try this combo...

Barossa - Teusner Riebke
Hunter - McWilliams Mount Pleasant Philip Shiraz
Victoria - Mount Langi Ghiran Billi Billi / The Story Shiraz (depending what I get my hands on first)
WA - Xabregas Shiraz - (I know WA hasn't been suggested but it's It's around $13 and it's a good cool climate shiraz that might offer something different

Some replies though have made me think that we could mix it up a little more... Agree about Coonawarra and maybe even something left field like Mornington (some good examples but again, price might be an issue)

Thanks again everyone - I'll let you know how we go :)
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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by via collins »

Don't fear the Peninsula Rawshack, you just need to dig around a bit!

Foxies Hangout make a smart MP shiraz which is close enough to 20 bucks, and got some kind words from Ralph Keyte Powell in the Epicure liftout a couple weeks back.

Look forward to hearing your results.

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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by Gary W »

Both the 07 and 08 Tyrrells Rufus are pretty regional and well under $20 - McLaren and Heathcote - made the same way, so it's the fruit = difference..which is what you want.
Go with 07 or 06 Philip for Hunter, not 08 as that is multi-regional.
08 Xabregas a good wine. Big though at 15% Little bit of regional pepper mind you.

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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by Rawshack »

Gary W wrote:Both the 07 and 08 Tyrrells Rufus are pretty regional and well under $20 - McLaren and Heathcote - made the same way, so it's the fruit = difference..which is what you want.
Go with 07 or 06 Philip for Hunter, not 08 as that is multi-regional.
08 Xabregas a good wine. Big though at 15% Little bit of regional pepper mind you.

Thanks Gary, I'll ponder the Xabregas but I remember liking the 07 a lot.

In a rare moment of genius, I actually thought about throwing a bit of a hand grenade in there. How about DeBortoli's new Syrah Nouvou, which if I remember correctly, sees no oak and undergoes some whole bunch fermentation... Might add something different and challenge peoples expectations a bit.
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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by Fortune 3rd reg. attempt »

Waiters Friend wrote:...
Heathcote; I think Rufus Stone is THE only sub-$20 Heathcote Shiraz, isn't it? :?



Rufus Stone is a ripper (and closer to $10pb on a recent deal) but Stuart Wines Whitebox is good too - Halliday gave the 2006 94 points and it's about $17, Cheers, Geoff.

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Re: Shiraz - Region to region

Post by kwattro »

here are some of my favourites:

Vic: Mount Langi Billi Billi, Waterwheel, Tar & Roses
Barossa: Glaetzer Heartland, St Hallet Faith, Rolf Binder Veritas
McClaren Vale: Arakoon Sellick's beach


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