Hi there, i was thinking of purchasing a magnum bottle of the 99 RWT and just wanted to get peoples opinions on this wine, i'm a red man through and through and like my reds on the dry side, so i'm just wandering would this wine be something i would like, having said that i dont mind ppls comments on this wine
I had a bottle of 99 rwt last week and also a bottle of 98 greenock creek seven acre shiraz .a beautiful soft and elegant wine up against the greenock creek mind you the 4 of us at the table was unaminus and went the gc
Some people slurp it,others swill it,a few sip on it,some gaze at it for hours ,enough now wheres the RED
I've got a half dozen of these (normal 750ml bottles mind) and was intending to crack the 1st on or around it's 10th birthday (with the others following sometime over the following decade). Any recent tastings by folks to challenge my thoughts?
Jordan wrote:It is an excellent wine. I agree that is most likely to be the best RWT released so far.
really?... what about the 02'?
I think the 2002 is another very good wine, no great difference in quality between that and the 1999 but it is the style of the 99 which attracts me, as does a lot of Barossa 99s.
I would be happy to have either stashed away for 10 years.
Premierships and great wine... that is what life is all about
1999 is as good as any of them, until you get to 2004, 2005 and 2006, which are a clear step up. 1997 and 2000 are the relatively poor ones. In terms of quality, there isn't much separating 1998, 1999 or 2002.
The 98 is full of big blue oak, and big blue fruit. In its style, it's a really good wine - you just have to like oak. Not a quality consideration - a style consideration.
Yes the 04 is a smart wine. i just balk at the cost, i then look at the tons of top aussie shiraz i bought years ago still sitting there in my cellar untouched and untroubled by tempatation and pass...
Follow me on Vivino for tasting notes Craig Thomson