Favorite Drinks of the Rich and Famous has a few winos (LINK) Marilyn Monroe, Dom Perignon 1953
James Bond, Bollinger 1961
Napoleon Bonaparte, Chambertin
Also add
Jonny Depp, Petrus (The wine he drank on the Oprah Winfrey Show on November 2, 2004 was Chateau Petrus)
And then there is the famous wine merchant Darrell Corti who doesn’t like wine with more than 14.5% alcohol! LINK
"Sometimes I wish I'd went through those good times stone cold sober so I could remember everything... but then again, if I had been sober, the times probably wouldn't have been worth remembering."
I suppose on the basis of stories and history, we assume Churchill's was Pol Roger, Richard Nixon's was Ch. Margaux, and Thomas Jefferson's was Yquem (just don't buy the proof from a dodgy German...!)
KMP wrote:Favorite Drinks of the Rich and Famous has a few winos (LINK) Marilyn Monroe, Dom Perignon 1953 James Bond, Bollinger 1961 Napoleon Bonaparte, Chambertin
Also add Jonny Depp, Petrus (The wine he drank on the Oprah Winfrey Show on November 2, 2004 was Chateau Petrus)
And then there is the famous wine merchant Darrell Corti who doesn’t like wine with more than 14.5% alcohol! LINK
What about Dom Perginon '53 for James Bond...
"In Dr. No, for dinner, Champagne is poured into triangular flute. "That's a Dom Perignon '55 - it would be a pity to break it," says Dr. No when Bond gets agitated. "I prefer the '53 myself," responds Bond, sitting down. "
I guess when it comes to James Bond and wine, you can safely say he prefers Champagne.
Can you imagine James Bond and Marilyn sitting down to share of bottle of Dom Perignon '53?
As for Bollinger, the most famous advocates of Bolly would have to be Patsy and Edwina (Ab Fab).
While promoting the Matrix Reloaded in Los Angeles in May, Reeves revealed his love of Australian red wine, proudly telling reporters how he stocked up on bottles of 1971 Grange, worth about $A875 a bottle, and $420 a bottle 1990 Mount Mary Quintet cabernet blend.
I watched an interview with Keanu on TV about two years ago, and remember him mentioning Mount Mary Quintet, but not the Grange.
"I have made an important discovery... that alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, produces all the effects of intoxication".