Code 1 Offline - Undisputed champions. DRC, Grange, Latour etc.
If you want to bring something above this, you’re dreaming.
Code 2 Offline - Wines of high pedigree – Moss Wood, Cullen, La Grange, Giaconda, Mt Mary
If you want to bring something above this, fine.
Code 3 Offline – Basically $30 - $50 wines with a bit of age on them, say 6 years.
389, St Peters, Vat 47, Vat 1, Voyager etc.
If you want to bring something above this, fine.
Code 4 offline - Fast get together, No level. BBQ type wines - Bring what ever you like.
![Rolling Eyes :roll:](./images/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif)