This elegance thing is starting to get up my snoot.
Too often elegance is a synonym for thin weak and pissy (especially when used to describe wines that are). Come to think of it , I've never seen a winemaker's tasting note to describe their own wine saying such things.
(Apart from my own notes..but those wines don't reach the public!)
As such I'm starting to think about the concept of a Dirty Big Wine Show, eligible to all table wines over 15.5% alc (I am thinking red here)
I know theres a few contenders locally..Bullers Watchbox and ourselves
plus some Barossa and McLaren Vale makers. Plus some Zins (WA Mudgee etc) Oh OK and some Heatcotes..Actually theres quite a few out there.
Possibly happy to buy the wines ourselves .
Rules are simple
Only reds >15.5% alc
Nothing is too big if its balanced
Brown is bad
Sweetness OK so long as adds to the wine not porty or obtrusive
Wines commercially available.
What do people think?. Anybody got any suggestions on who we could invite....either as exhibitors or judges.
Campbell you in?