Shipping wine from US to Australia

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Shipping wine from US to Australia

Post by Brian@BellePente »

Hello...I've got a guy from Adelaide working for me here in Oregon for harvest ...he is getting ready to go home and wants to ship himself several cases of wine...does anyone know of a reasonable way to do this?

Posts: 266
Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2003 7:27 am
Location: Geelong, Victoria

Post by Murray »


I think the best were is it securely pack them, check them in as luggage and declare them to Customs when he arrives.

He may have to pay duty when he gets here, but also may be waved through, just depends on the quantity, value and mix of the wines.

For example; 4 dozen of the same wine; a 'merchantable quantity' will be viewed differently from 4 dozen bottles of 20-30 different wines would would be clraerly for personal consumption.

If he's ITB he may be able to look into 'trade samples' which I think are a separate catagory for Customs.

ALways declare though, it's better to be safe than (very) sorry!
Murray Almond

Posts: 274
Joined: Mon Aug 18, 2003 1:32 pm


Post by kenzo »

Just be aware - this duty is very high if they do make you pay it...

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