Interesting chain of events.
you talk well, but do you HEAR what I say?
I said it before in previous posts and I'll say it again JUST FOR YOU:
this might not have come clear, but what I basically was reffering and fascinated by was the metamorphosis the wine was going thru, as the minerals contained in it were getting AERATION and how it changed in the mouth in time/space continuum
Sorry, I miss read it, what your first post said was
"Than we started tasting wines...wines which evolved with ever sip...and it became VERY clear...
The REASON why the French wines are so evolving is:
terroir, not the climate, not the rains, not the barrels, but the SOIL itself!
RICH with minerals which find it's way into the grape, and when oxydized, produce all those flavors nobody else can produce or duplicate."
In that post, your word; you have stated terroir, climate and rain is is not important, the minerals in the soil itself is the most important factor. Thats is all this debate is about. The rest are all side issues.
As for stating I don't want to have a dialogue with you, I want to have a mologue; I think I have answered every point you have raised, if that is not a dialogue, what is?
once again you have failed to HEAR me, and YES, I can have it BOTH ways because I know, and you know and HE knows,
there are no studies he can stick in my eye,
therefore, asking for waht can't be delivered IS having it both ways, as you put it
Interesting; I am reasonably sure there are wine studies going on all over the world that I know nothing about, but I do not profess to know everything. When I was in McLaren Vale recently, by accident I found out about a whole reseach arm that was funded by jointly by Oz growers, the government and the CSIRO that had was doing research into things I could not spell, let alone understand. The budget is in the millions of $, so its not small potatoes, or grapes in this case.
and what should I do when the entire world disagrees with me? Shoot myself or join those who believe that the Earth is flat? THAT was a popular and wide spread opinion for many years. TORB, you taking it way to personal, which is of course your God's given right,
How do you know what I am or am not feeling? Engaging in a rational debate does not mean that one has to take it personally.
Accusing me of being a believer of the flat earth society is astounding. Your origional premise, unless I have failed to spot it, is that you have dismissed the effect of "terroir, the climate, the rains, the barrels"; and have stated that the major reason that French wine is great is because it all revolves around the soil. I am stating it takes more than just the soil to make those wines great; note I am not dismissing the role of the sole, but I am saying it is one factor in many. Now if that is flat earth thinking, then I am guilty.
In one of your last posts you now state
and if YOU, TORB,
can prove me WRONG that the wine metamorphosis and resulting orgasm in the mouth in conjuncture with food was caused by OTHER factors than the minerals in the soil, ....
You have now moved the goal posts. In the initial post, it was the soil alone, now it has become the soil with the addition of food. And I have to prove you wrong.
No one is disputing you had a wine orgasm.
What I am disputing is that it the
sole (or even the main) reason the wine is great is because of the soil the grapes are grown in -- even leaving aside the influence of food. My contention is there are a number of factors that make a wine great and you cannot just isolate one.
As to my proving it, you have decided to dismiss other peoples posts on this subject as well as my thoughts.
"conventional wisdom and knowledge" 50 years ago was that the French make the best wines in the World, and we both KNOW that that conventional wisdom and knowledge ain't worth 3 cents coin today.
Another interesting comment. Firstly, 50 years ago when that statement was made, it was correct! Secondly, whilst many other countries are making some great wines today, the top French wines are still regarded by many as some of the best wine in the world. That does not mean that ll French wine is great, they do make a lot of swill, but then so does a lot of other countries.
And as far as being in marketing, does having been the International Marketing Director for one of the worlds largest computer software companies count?