Is it unreasonable to expect wineries to list volumes on their sales page?

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Alex F
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Is it unreasonable to expect wineries to list volumes on their sales page?

Post by Alex F »

I see a bottle of port on some winery's website. No volume is listed. I buy it. A 500ml bottle turns up. I was expecting 750ml and am grumpy. Am I being unreasonable?

I email the winery and they say they will fix it (hasn't been done yet afaik), with no apology.

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Re: Is it unreasonable to expect wineries to list volumes on their sales page?

Post by phillisc »

Alex F wrote:I see a bottle of port on some winery's website. No volume is listed. I buy it. A 500ml bottle turns up. I was expecting 750ml and am grumpy. Am I being unreasonable?

I email the winery and they say they will fix it (hasn't been done yet afaik), with no apology.
Agreed Alex and in fact that is lousy consumer practice, would be worth reporting to ACCC or the like. You don't buy a pair of jeans online with out having the size acknowledged, or a dozen rolls of toilet paper and only 10 turn up.
Keep at them.
Cheers Craig
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Mahmoud Ali
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Re: Is it unreasonable to expect wineries to list volumes on their sales page?

Post by Mahmoud Ali »

I don't think you're being unreasonable at all Alex, without a reference to volume one would expect a bottle of port to be a 750 ml bottle. When I first read your post my first thought when I read that they would "fix it" was that they would make restitution by either sending you another bottle or a refund of some sort. I was going to say that it shouldn't matter if they apologized or not since they were going to "fix it", however it occurs to me that they might be referring to fixing the website.

That is not on. It should be an apology together with restitution.

Cheers ………………………… Mahmoud.

Alex F
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Re: Is it unreasonable to expect wineries to list volumes on their sales page?

Post by Alex F »

Thanks for your thoughts. The bottle was not expensive and I only bought one so financial loss is minimal. I have sent another email to the winery to express my disappointment. I think it must have been some kind of oversight in the website design as I can't see any volumes on the dry wines I've clicked on either!

Does liquor licensing require volumes to be listed?

Mahmoud Ali
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Re: Is it unreasonable to expect wineries to list volumes on their sales page?

Post by Mahmoud Ali »

I don't know about the regulations in Australia but it strikes me that when it comes to wine 750ml is a standard size bottle.

A couple of years ago I ordered some fino sherry from a retailers website and expected a regular size bottle but when I went to pick them up was instead confronted with half bottles. My case was slightly different because their website had them listed as 750ml bottles. It turned out that they had no regular sized bottles, only the 375ml bottles. Rather than a refund they presented me with the extra bottles to make up the difference. Effectively I go two for the price of one since a check with another retailer showed that the half bottle price was the correct one.


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Re: Is it unreasonable to expect wineries to list volumes on their sales page?

Post by phillisc »

Mahmoud...fortifieds routinely were in a 750 ml...however, that is now becoming something of a rarity as I think wineries want to move away from brown paper bag syndrome and make it all look a little bit fancy in either a skinny 500 ml or in a small 375 ml. I like the 750 ml bottle as when I open a fortified regardless of it being a VP/Tawny/Muscat/Tokay the bottle generally only lasts 24 a bit of extra volume is always appreciated

Alex, the winery has to keep a record for every litre of alcohol that they have in bond, for excise purposes. As for the customer, that's a different story, but yes any winery worth buying from will disclose bottle size on their website.
Cheers Craig
Tomorrow will be a good day

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