TN: Tahbilk Marsanne 2010

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Waiters Friend
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TN: Tahbilk Marsanne 2010

Post by Waiters Friend »

Yellow gold in colour. Rich and complex nose of honeysuckle and lanolin, similar to a Hunter Semillon, with some lemon zest and lime cordial, and a little kero, like an aged Riesling. The palate has a touch of oiliness or viscosity, and this makes the wine appear a little richer than it actually is. The lime cordial continues across the palate, and is well supported with cleansing acidity.

I reckon this is the sweet spot for Tahbilk Marsannes. They're fresh and high acid when younger, but age superbly into a much more complex and satisfying drop. This has room for further development, but is very good now.
Wine, women and song. Ideally, you can experience all three at once.

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Re: TN: Tahbilk Marsanne 2010

Post by Bobthebuilder »

I had this recently but didn’t manage to post any notes
But agree with you it was very good, not too young, will go on for yonks but showing really well now
Which I was surprised at given the age and screwcap
The 1927 vines screwcaps are still way way too young even with 5 years more age on them

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