Berserkers had their annual day and as per normal there wasn't much for us Aussies. But I did find one business selling Wine Travel Bags from Oz. I'd not seen them before and thought they were a pretty cool idea. I am always putting bottles of wine in my check-in luggage and praying Qantas don't play footy with my bags. You always worry what will happen if one should break.
I thought these were pretty handy so thought I'd do a heads up. They have padding/absorbent material (shock and liquid) and a double zip lock to contain the wine if any breakages and the plastic is quite stiff and strong. You can re-use them so for the money of $8-10 each they are a good value imho.
Usual disclaimer of no financial interest in company, yadda, yadda. (I like to think I've been around long enough for people to know I wouldn't do something like this if I did have an interest )
dave vino wrote:Usual disclaimer of no financial interest in company, yadda, yadda. (I like to think I've been around long enough for people to know I wouldn't do something like this if I did have an interest )
never underestimate the predictability of stupidity
I've used similar ones to these and they work well (at least I haven't broken anything yet). I will say that these seem even better than the ones I have as they have the dual ziplock and looks to be even thicker plastic...
I have been blessed with good fortune through dozens of international flights carrying wines in all manner of improvised packing - and not losing a drop.
That said, these look simply brilliant, and i will happily try them out.
p.s. my only packing disaster came from a jar of badly sealed sun-dried tomatoes - two favourite shirts smelt very savoury until being ditched. Very sad face
via collins wrote:I have been blessed with good fortune through dozens of international flights carrying wines in all manner of improvised packing - and not losing a drop.
That said, these look simply brilliant, and i will happily try them out.
p.s. my only packing disaster came from a jar of badly sealed sun-dried tomatoes - two favourite shirts smelt very savoury until being ditched. Very sad face
Thanks Dave!
You probably know this trick, but when it comes to jars, I wrap them in Clingfilm ... won't help much if the whole jar gets smashed, but stops the oil etc leaking out too much if the lid just gets a bit damaged in transit. If (like me) you tend to over buy jars of things (especially in e.g. Italy) then grabbing a roll of clingfilm at the local supermarket is worth the effort.
I often do the same for wine as well, but again just in case a screw cap got slightly damaged and leaked.... if the bottle gets a proper whack it probably wouldn't mitigate the damage that much!