Did anyone else receive an email from Vinatge Cellars about a survey being run by Uni of South Australia and a couple of US Unis on wine buying habits? - I can't help but put the whole email in below and see what people think. The predominace of "Blush Red" options is scary. I'd heard a lot of White Zinfandel was sold but over everything else?
We invite you to participate in an
international wine study by Professors at the University of South Australia and at
Sonoma State University and Northeastern University in the United States.
The survey should shed light on what it is that drives your wine buying decision.
Hence, this opportunity to voice your opinion on these issues of interest to all
wine fans!
In this study the professors ask you about your preferences for different types of
wine and packaging. They are using this research to gain an understanding of what
features are most important to wine consumers in making wine selections. Casual wine
drinkers' preferences are just as important to them as the preferences of wine
You should expect the whole exercise to take about 20 minutes so take it when you are
free for a few minutes and preferably with a glass of your favorite beverage in
hand. If you have any questions about this survey please contact
Professor Lockshin's colleagues in this study are Rosanna Garcia, Northeastern
University and Tom Atkin, Sonoma State University.
To participate in the survey click on http://igim.cba.neu.edu/winestudyAUS
Odd Survey
Odd Survey
David J
Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake 1Ti 5:23
Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake 1Ti 5:23