Sorry this is a bit off topic, but given the Adelaide contingent that posts here I thought it might be a good place to start.
A young graduate winemaker from Sth Africa is spending a week at Adelaide Uni and the AWRI as a part of a scholarship initiative. She would like to stay at a youth or backpackers hostel close (walking distance) to the Uni so that she can meet some people her own age and have the chance to set her own agenda whilst there.
Can anyone help me with some ideas on where would be a good place to stay?
Yeah, it's also hard to answer without knowing what campus exactly she'll be at. The main Adelaide Uni campus is on North Tce, in the city, but a lot of the winemaking stuff is done at Waite Campus, in the suburbs.
Many thanks. I wasn't sure about the geography but it will be Waite campus, and a trip on the bus from the city won't be too much to bear. Looks like YHA is the go.