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2006 Pacific Rim International Wine Competition

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 3:13 am
by BobFoster
Since I know a lot of Aussie winemakers read this board, I hope the following note is not too far afield.

The Pacific Rim International Wine Competition, held in San Bernardino, California, is in its 21st year. It normally draws over 2000 entries from all around the Pacific Rim. It is open to all Australian wineries. Hard copy invitations to participate were sent to most Australian wineries in early December. After the printing of the formal invitations, Australian wine writer Jeremy Oliver agreed to serve as one of the judges for the competition. Additionally, Daryl Groom, the Australian winemaker who directed the major improvements in the wines of the Geyser Peak Winery in Sonoma County, and who still makes wines in Australia under the Groom label, has agreed to serve as a wine judge. Any winery wishing to participate that did not receive a printed in invitiation is, of course, welcome. Please contact Bob Foster, the competition director, at