Margaret River Shiraz

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Margaret River Shiraz

Post by brode »

So Sandalfords 09 Prendiville Reserve Shiraz has won Ray Jordans wine of the year.

I haven't tasted this, but I'm struggling to come to grips with the recent hype about MR Shiraz from Jordan/others in the media and from within the WA wine industry itself - it seems to be a constant theme over here in the West. Did a fair amount of red tasting in MR recently and thought the style and quality of shiraz was all over the place and more often than not seriously underwhelming, lacking flavour/aroma/depth, the vasse felix in contrast was going for a massive, extracted, mclarenvale-esque style and failed to pull it off - truly awful. Of what I tasted only a few of the southerly producers (eg. redgate/cape mentelle) seemed to have made structured, floral/aromatic wines. Are they shooting themselves in the foot here by pushing MR Shiraz in general when its so hit and miss - and running the risk of damaging the MR brand? Or am I way off and just not 'getting' it?

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Re: Margaret River Shiraz

Post by Loztralia »

I'm a long, long way from being an expert on Margaret River Shiraz, but it does seem that Sandalford are being quite successful with it. I bought a case of their 05 Estate Reserve (one down from the Prendiville, though I'm not sure the Prendiville existed at the time) at a hefty discount a couple of years ago on the back of a positive response to a bottle we'd had, and it's been very well-received all round ever since. Would definitely re-invest. I seem to recall thinking Voyager's Shiraz was pretty good, though not as good as the Cab Merlot, and I seem to recall some decent Clairaults. I was going to mention Flametree but that's Frankland, isn't it?
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Re: Margaret River Shiraz

Post by brode »

Yeah, I'll happily admit I'm no expert either - its something I'll taste but not buy. Should check out those examples you mentioned, didn't get to voyager recently but I can't imagine them going too far wrong.

Articles like this one from a few weeks ago: ... shiraz.pdf
just bug me a bit for some reason. He takes a few exceptions and makes it a rule. I don't agree that there is a ''margaret river style" of shiraz or that it is distinctive - the wines I tried varied wildly. Given MR's climate/soils/suitability for viticulture its going to produce acceptable wines from most varieties, shiraz included but should it really be a focus? Even at its best, MR shiraz is a long, long way short of the amazing cabernet/bordeaux style blends being released. I'd reckon a lot of wineries are making one because your average joe consumer knows and trusts shiraz at the expense of trialling other varieties that might be better suited or make more interesting wines. I guess I just can't understand why its become such a focus recently - are we trying to prove something? MR will never compete with the better shiraz regions as the fruit profile in the wine just isn't there & If I was in WA's wine media Í'd be focusing on educating casual readers about all MR's strengths.

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Re: Margaret River Shiraz

Post by Partagas »

I generally agree with Margs not being particularly great when it comes to Shiraz. Though there are exceptions I have liked and believe where first class.

Cape Mentelle 2004 – had about three six packs and have none left. Exceptional wine
Happs Three Hills 1999 – Now getting past the RP highest ever WA wine score (I think 95 or something) this really is a great varietal Shiraz. Have had three bottles and all were hard to believe it was Margaret Shiraz.
Graylin – Very pricy but very good. Rich and bold with plenty of quality all round in good vintages.
Other notable have been
Sandalford – but I think mainly great southern or Franklin River as apposed to Margs. Late 90’s were warmer climate style unusual as it may be but great nonetheless.
Brown Hill – Very good when on song.
Houghton’s – but again I believe more Franklin river.

I am a massive fan of Voyager all round and they just about don’t make a bad wine, however the Shiraz has had much acclaim and I don’t know why. It is not bad in quality for me just bad in flavour if that makes sense. It just has a very unusual taste for Shiraz, a little on the funky side. This sort of explains Margs Shiraz in a general sense where they just don’t taste consistent. Franklin River has made some outstanding cool climate wines for a long time and don’t pretend to be anything different.


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Re: Margaret River Shiraz

Post by Phil H »

Another non expert - however I don't have any MR shiraz's in the cellar. I love their Cab's and whites, but as yet have not found a WOW shiraz.


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Re: Margaret River Shiraz

Post by ticklenow1 »

Partagas wrote:I generally agree with Margs not being particularly great when it comes to Shiraz. Though there are exceptions I have liked and believe where first class.

Cape Mentelle 2004 – had about three six packs and have none left. Exceptional wine
Happs Three Hills 1999 – Now getting past the RP highest ever WA wine score (I think 95 or something) this really is a great varietal Shiraz. Have had three bottles and all were hard to believe it was Margaret Shiraz.
Graylin – Very pricy but very good. Rich and bold with plenty of quality all round in good vintages.
Other notable have been
Sandalford – but I think mainly great southern or Franklin River as apposed to Margs. Late 90’s were warmer climate style unusual as it may be but great nonetheless.
Brown Hill – Very good when on song.
Houghton’s – but again I believe more Franklin river.

I am a massive fan of Voyager all round and they just about don’t make a bad wine, however the Shiraz has had much acclaim and I don’t know why. It is not bad in quality for me just bad in flavour if that makes sense. It just has a very unusual taste for Shiraz, a little on the funky side. This sort of explains Margs Shiraz in a general sense where they just don’t taste consistent. Franklin River has made some outstanding cool climate wines for a long time and don’t pretend to be anything different.



I agree with you on the 04 Cape Mentelle. I only bought 3 bottles and they went way too quickly. It was a standout a couple of years ago so I drank the other 2 almost straight away. I have bought the 07, 08 and will buy the 09 as well when I get around to it. The 02 was also quite good.

I will disagree with you on the Voyager Shiraz though. I bought a 6 pack of the 01's and they were very, very good (quite spicy from memory). The 03's were also very good and I drank my last one a couple of years ago. I have the 07 and 08 in my cellar and I look forward to drinking them in a about 4 or 5 years time. They seem to need that few years to make them really enjoyable.

I think Margaret River Shiraz is underated by the critics as well. Over in Qld we don't see a lot of shiraz from the smaller wineries so it is with great anticipation that I look forward to visiting the area in the not too distant future to sample some (as well as the Chardonnays and Cabernets of course).

If you had to choose between drinking great wine or winning Lotto, which would you choose - Red or White?

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