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Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 9:17 am
by Gavin Trott
Lincoln wrote:I don't post as often because I don't feel part of auswine any more. Most of the people I started with, Campbell, 389, Tyson, Gerard Connors, and most importantly PLCB, don't post any more: it's just a bunch of strangers for the most part, and people I've realised that I will never agree with no matter how much a topic is debated.


I'm still here.

Sorry you feel this way, we/I miss your comments and notes.

There are 250+members and many more lurkers, if there are one or two with whom you disagree, couldn't you still post and be involved, and simply not enter into disagreements with them, not respond to such posts?

PCLB does still post here, albeit not frequently, as does Campbell, but as a guest not a registered member.

In short, I'd love you all to be more involved, whether you also choose to be involved with Winestar, Mark Squires or whomever. After all, its just chat about wine.

I still read and occasionally post on Winestar (very occassionally for obvious reasons of conflict being a retailer) and see that forum as a valuable contribution to wine chat, like auswine. Surely it can be both rather than either/or?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 9:37 am
by Kieran
Gavin's last post sounds like the closing address from the president in Mars Attacks.

("Why can't we all just.....get along?")


Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 9:47 am
by Barney
I would consider myself a forum browser (lurker) and will have a look at all the usual forums when i have time and very occasionally post. I have an interest in wine, a modest cellar and am always looking to expand my wine knowledge without it becoming an all consuming obsession.

I don't post more often partly because of time restrictions but mostly because i find the topics and discussion significantly above my own level of expertise and generally at a level which would exclude most average wine drinkers.

I will continue to look and learn and maybe this will lead to more posts in the future.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 6:58 pm
by Guest
I don't post or read here anymore because I find the new format takes too long to send in a quick response or TN/TV.The formal process of registering each time takes time and often I literally only have a couple of minutes to have a quick look.
I agree that the under new format it is less easy to follow conversations. The old format was much easier to read the progress of a thread and join in if relevant.
My biggest complaint is the process of logging in and early after the changeover I posted a long TN on a wine show I went to and for some reason after I posted it never appeared as a thread.

the old DB
plus my "username has been taken"

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 7:35 pm
by bacchaebabe
Kieren - ha, ha - love Mars Attacks.

Old DB - why don't you register and check the box to log you in automatically. I've done it and I just come straight in. I'd go mad if I had to log in each time and probably wouldn't bother either.

Assorted Lurkers, you stop being a lurker once you've posted once - so welcome. You really don't have to be a guru - everyone's opinion is just that, an opinion, and I personally am interested in them all even if its just a 'yum, I love this wine' post. The first post is the hardest.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 9:33 pm
by Marcus
:? I think I would have to say I lack the knowledge of some of the people that frequent this forum and therefore the confidence. I just started drinking wine in the last two years and have a long way to mature... :roll:


PS I have just started though.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 9:20 am
by Gavin Trott
Anonymous wrote:I don't post or read here anymore because I find the new format takes too long to send in a quick response or TN/TV.The formal process of registering each time takes time and often I literally only have a couple of minutes to have a quick look.
I agree that the under new format it is less easy to follow conversations. The old format was much easier to read the progress of a thread and join in if relevant.
My biggest complaint is the process of logging in and early after the changeover I posted a long TN on a wine show I went to and for some reason after I posted it never appeared as a thread.

the old DB
plus my "username has been taken"


Shame to hear that, however, if you have cookies turned on, once you log in once, each future visit you should be logged in automatically ... I am. As soon as I visit here I'm logged on every time.

Re user name, simply think of a new similar one and let me know, we'll set it up in no time.

Come back and join us.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 11:44 am
by Quizmasters Apprentice
You forgot an option for:

"Quizmaster locks the keyboard on the computer for all but two hours on a Friday"

Bloody Quizmaster.

Even then I still comfortably manage to stay comfortably among the top ten posters.

...for all the thanks I get...

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 1:58 am
by simm
Wycroft wrote:I seldom post, mainly because I don't think I have a great deal to say, and I guess nerves come into it given the sheer amount of great wine consumed by some of the regulars, and their great tasting notes. But, if I could make one observation, in my opinion there is a great deal less animosity than the forum where I used to lurk:Winepros. Perhaps that's the reason this forum has so much more business! I'd like to thank pretty much everyone who posts here for being so cordial and lighthearted in their posts. Long may it continue. And perhaps I'll find the confidence to become less of a lurker next year.

Merry Christmas

Hi Wycroft, haven't heard from you in a while, obviously because of what you say about Winepros is so true. Haven't dropped in in some time, will look in next. I learned quite quickly to stay out of the agro there only dropping in to support those who rallied against it.

Hi Lincoln!
I'm new to this forum and coompared to other forums it has a much healthier attitude from its members and guests, and I think it's a shame if you feel ostracised just because the others no longer post or disagree with notes. There's absolutely no way I'm going to agree with a lot of the opinions of others but that doesn't stop me from appreciating them. I coudn't possibly expect others to agree with me and my limited experience. I haven't ever seen a flare-up over a matter of opinion here, which is why I like the forum so much. Did they happen very often before, when you were more present? Hope you stick with us as representative of those who have left. Off to check out Whinepro's and see if anyone has left an entry since October.

Kind Regards,

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 6:44 pm
by Mishy
I come here several times a week, all the way from Canada :wink: . I remember several members here from WS forums, and a few that post on ebob. It's through ebob I found this site, and the timing coincided with my love of Aussie wines and a need to invest into more of them for my cellar.
I read mostly, I want to know what you are discovering down-under so when and if it enters my system I pounce on it before the other hogs.
I don't post unless I have questions or Aussie TNs.
I really appreciate your first hand opinions, and it's very civilized here which I appreciate more than you'll ever know 8) .
Thanks for being here for me and treating me like I am welcome.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 10:02 am
by markg
Hi Mishy,

I notice your posts on ebob - Sounds like you had one great party the other week.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 7:06 pm
by Mark G
Auswine Forumites

It is extremely hard to not be a lurker, many of you see each other in all the other forums and for us looking in it feels a bit like "Sylvania Waters"!

I only use the forums to check where the market's at, any good wines, and what is the current rage of discussion (screwcaps v cork is beginning to hurt my head). I have sought info on occassion and offered advice for anyone requesting info on Margaret river, but rarely do I post tasting notes (too subjective I'm afraid), or join in the bagging of others.

I have looked at ebob and WineSpec - but you get a bit overwhelmed by the yankism ("please pray for me.... , "2000 Bdx TN's - the 20 I drank last night ..... , "Can you buy a good wine under US$50 anymore .....). We should I guess be grateful that we can lurk through these forums in Aus and occassionally get some gems of information.


Mark G

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 10:31 am
by markg
Welcome Mark G - Good username you have there 8)