From Chile with pride, it says.
70% CS 30%Carmenere
Intense aromas of vanilla, then herb garden, then mint then coffeee then a sweet long lasting aroma that approaches butterscotch.
I'm sure this should be drank in a few years time, but it is so smooth, approachable and easy on the palate. There are Cuban cigars, gravelly mulchy herbaceaous rotting roots, and sweet vanilla oak, the tannins are there, but in the background, but easily coaxed out, medium bodied dark fruits, the balance is just a little off, it is significantly different from any Aussie Cab I have ever tasted, but intriguing enough to finish the bottle.
In the end, just a little too sweet, I would rate this at about 82/100. I don't think time in the bottle will help.
I can't help but think about a Chilean citizen trying a Barossa Red for the first time. Pleasant culture shock!
2007 Montes Cabernet Sauvignon Carmenere
Great tasting note John, have to agree with your overall assessment, just too much sweetness for me. I tried the normal cab, chard and savvy on the weekend, was much more impressed, especially the chard and cab.
Lets just say I have never had a wine I've hated, but there are some I would rather not taste again....