Glug Wines?

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Glug Wines?

Post by chal »

Anyone had a look at any of the Glug (ie Farmer Bros) wines?

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Red Bigot
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Post by Red Bigot »

chal, I went to the (slightly shambolic) launch at the National Press Club in November last year and tried quite a few of their offerings (they've listed quite a few more since). I've thrown out the papers from the launch, so don't have all the details. The reds under their own Glug label and those made out of the Veritas winery are probably reasonable value for the price, but pretty unexciting in all (as are a lot of wines under $15) and I wasn't tempted to buy any. The best wines on offer on the night were the Teusner Avatar 2004 and Joshua 2005 and the Epsilon 2004 was OK.
Life's too short to drink white wine and red wine is better for you too! :-)

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