Wine Shows / Doco's

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Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by Redav »

We've started watching The Wine Show after someone here mentioned it and are enjoying it so it got me wondering what wine shows or doco's that you know of?

Oz and James's Big Wine Adventure (two seasons plus their Drink to Britain - Oz also does two shows with comedian Hugh Dennis)

Red Obsession
Somm: Into the Bottle (yet to watch)

I came across a doco about Aussie winemakers but can't recall what it was call. There's also Chateau Chunder which I haven't seen

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by Scotty vino »

look up gary vaynerchuk on YT. I've watched a few of his clips. A full on guy.
I love his 'oak monster'.
A used to watch wine week with brad and ? Can't remember. gone now.
The OZ clarke james may combo was good to watch.
The wine show? top gear model anyone?
I don't mind it. Seems a bit contrived and forced at times .
I've got a few recorded, so I'll give it another decent go.
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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by Ozzie W »

It's not a TV show, but the 'Wine for Normal People' podcast is excellent. Very detailed and informative, covering a huge range of topics.

In terms of docos, 'Sour Grapes' is coming to Netflix on 18 November. It's all about Rudy Kurniawan and should make interesting viewing.

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by redstuff »

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by Redav »

Gee, I already had 93.6 days of continuous viewing lined up... I guess I asked so keep them coming :)

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by Mike Hawkins »

redstuff wrote:Add these to your to watch list:

I can definitely recommend this. Some of my favourite people in the region feature prominently... an enjoyable show. Must get around to watching the other 2

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by Ian S »

I heard some of the old Jancis Robinson wine programmes have now hit you tube. An interesting time capsule, and more serious than most modern programmes.

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by Redav »

Nothing like a thread mine;

I noticed that [url= ... ellar-door]People of the Vines[/url] was on SBS a few weeks ago. I'd heard of it but until last night I hadn't seen it. Both seasons are there but S1 expires in five days time.

The [url=]second season[/url] of The Wine Show has aired too.

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by asajoseph »

Good to see this pop up.

I'm on my 5th (?) viewing of Sour Grapes (still on Netflix) - a really engaging, interesting documentary. Lots of questions I wish they'd had time / budget to explore more, including the organised crime connection, but you understand why they couldn't do more if you watch any of the Q&As with the producers (there's one on YouTube).

The Wine Show was decent, but honestly I found the actors a little forced and irritating. Joe Fattorini absolutely steals the show (Amelia Singer too), in his segments, but I didn't really find the 'buddy' comedy those two came up with remotely funny.

Oz & James on the other hand shows genuine chemistry, making it really enjoyable to watch even if the subject material is pitched at beginner level. That, more than any other show I've seen, captures what the pleasure of wine is all about (in my oh so humble opinion!!!).

I think A Year in Champagne is no longer on Netflix, and I missed both A Year in Budgundy and A Year in Port - the former is definitely interesting, and insightful in equal measure.

Mondovino is interesting, but the political controversy surrounding it can grate at times - I personally felt their portrayal of Michel Rolland was a little unfair, whatever the justified criticism.

Somm was incredible, in terms of a study into the extent those guys work / study, but I found the sequel a little directionless.

Any others to recommend at the moment? Red Obsession I have seen, though can't remember much about it, and finding anywhere to watch it is tricky. I'll keep an eye out for People of the Vines, but I've not heard of it before. And lastly, hasn't there been talk of a Billionaire's Vinegar movie for a while, potentially starring Matthew McConaughey (presumably as Hardy Rodenstock)?

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by Ozzie W »

Barolo Boys is another good doco.

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by conformistpete »

People of the vines seemed a bit wooden. Couldn't really engage with it.

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by asajoseph »

Ozzie W wrote:Barolo Boys is another good doco.
Where would I find that?

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by Ozzie W »

asajoseph wrote:
Ozzie W wrote:Barolo Boys is another good doco.
Where would I find that?
Readily available via Netflix, Amazon, iTunes, Google Play and others.

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by asajoseph »

Thanks - I'll take a look on Netflix tonight!

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by Polymer »

Great thread...I've seen most of these but always interested in seeing what else is out there..will check out Barolo Boys!

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by Polymer »

Great thread...I've seen most of these but always interested in seeing what else is out there..will check out Barolo Boys!

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by asajoseph »

No joy finding Barolo Boys on Netflix - I shall look elsewhere. I did find a show called Flying Winemaker, though I found it too superficial to be particularly interesting.

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by Redav »

Apparently S3 of The Wine Show will screen next year some time and they're off to [url= ... -hulu.html]Lisbon[/url].

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by jimv »

My all time favourite, Dean Spanley:] ... an-Spanley

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by Redav »

Has anyone been watching [url=]The Wine Show @ Home[/url]?

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by Redav »

The trailer for [url=]S3 of The Wine Show[/url] is up on YT.

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Re: Wine Shows / Doco's

Post by Chuck »

For anyone into podcasts Wondery has done a great story over a few episodes on the Gallo wine dynasty in California. It's on the Business Wars podcast series and free on Apple and other podcast platforms. History since early 1900s when Joe Gallo migrated from Italy to the USA and includes what shenanigans they got up to during the Great Depression.
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