It is indeed Ian.Ian S wrote:Yes, difficult to fault their selection, though I imagine the cost is quite something.Mahmoud Ali wrote:Wow! A lovely set of wines, the "classic" set with some age on them.
She has actually signed me up for the Wine Club at the Dunkeld Hotel, which I believe has one of the finest wine lists in Australasia. As well as the wine, I get a 2 night stay, a bound copy of the wine list, a cloth to wipe the dust off the bottles and....a pencil
If you go by the book value of the wines on the list, then there are some expensive wines in that bundle. The Mazis and the Jamet are both over the $300 mark. Those are old wines though, bought when wine prices were not what they are now. I imagine its a good way for the cellar to get rid of the odd older bottle that is not selling. Kudos to the somelliars though - the Croatian wine and the Verget ($25 in Melbourne) are exactly the sort of wines I enjoy.