Cellar door preferences

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Cellar door preferences

Post by wineguy »

Ive been to quite a few cellar door outlets in several major regions recently and I'm curious what does everyone prefer?
a) the ritzy, multi-million dollar affair eg the new Wolf Blass cellar door in Barossa
b) the quaint, the wine says it all eg Bowen Estate in Coonawarra
or c) the middle of the road, looks nice, good service etc

ps how do you use the poll thing?
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Red Bigot
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Re: Cellar door preferences

Post by Red Bigot »

wineguy wrote:ps how do you use the poll thing?

Hi wineguy, it's quite easy, when you start a new post (must be signed in) the poll fields appear at the bottom of the message form.

Simply type the question in the first field (Poll question), the first option in the second field (Poll option) and click on the Add Option button. A new field will appear for the next option so type away and click the Add option button until you have all your options and then hit Submit.
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Post by Christo »

Thanks Brian,

i didn't know that either as I joined the forum a few days ago.

regards & thanks


PS: good wine to taste rather than glitzy CD anyday!!

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Post by 707 »

I find the overly commercial CDs a turn off although the thousands that pour into places like Jacob's Creek would disagree.

I think it's a blend of the actual CD itself, the service and the wines. The people behind the counter are just so important to a good CD experience and can (almost) overcome shortfalls in the wines.

Might be interesting for people to list their favourite CDs, the ones where they get all aspects just right. For mine Rockford Stonewall is hard to beat of course!

Quaint is an interesting way to describe Bowen's, it's unchanged for 20 years except they now have a fly screen door!
Cheers - Steve
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